gees. i'm surprised i was able to get the password right after not up
dating this stagnant blog for ages. alrights. here's some news.
1) People signing up for any CIP, please take note:
-ALL PARTICULARS MUST BE WRITTEN DOWN. (eg: name, add, contact nos, etc)
Failing to adhere to the above mentioned instructions given by Mrs H. Tan, you will then realise that the hours which you have done for a particular CIP will not be tabulated correctly or worse still, not tabulated at all as the particulars given cannot be seen clearly. so please cooperate. thanks.
2)People who have very little CIP hours, please take some time off your hectic schedule and do some CIP work as ultimately, the CIP hours which you have done will be included in the your CCA record sheet and it may then determine your 'O' level points.
thank you.